Pure Cilium : A Guide for Local Load Balancing and BGP

Pure Cilium : A Guide for Local Load Balancing and BGP

In this guide, we'll walk through the steps to build a multi-node Kubernetes cluster on your local workstation or MacBook (M1, M2, or M3) using K3s and Cilium. We will also demonstrate using Cilium's powerful Load Balancer (L.B.) Use the IPAM feature to expose your service as a built-in load balancer in your K8s cluster.

  • Pre-Requisites

    Before you begin, make sure you have set up your cluster with Cilium CNI. You can follow the instructions in this GitHub repository to get your cluster up and running in under 3 minutes.

    Once Cilium is up and running, the other pods in the cluster should transition into the Running state. You should see one Cilium pod on each node and the Cilium operator.

    Cilium components

    Here is a high-level description of Cilium components:

    The Cilium agent

    The cilium-agent component runs on every node in the cluster. It accepts the configuration via APIs or Kubernetes, which describes requirements for networking, network policies, load balancing, visibility, and monitoring.

    The agent waits for events from the orchestration system (i.e., Kubernetes) to indicate when workloads or containers start or stop. It manages eBPF programs that allow the Linux kernel to control network access in and out of the containers.

    Cilium CLI

    The CLI client is a command-line tool installed alongside the Cilium agent on the same node, interacting with the agent’s REST API. The CLI enables the inspection of the local agent’s state and status. It also offers tools to access and validate the state of eBPF maps directly.

    The Cilium operator

    The operator handles tasks that require one-time handling for the whole cluster instead of for every node. The Cilium operator is not critical for making network policy decisions or forwarding – clusters can generally function when the operator becomes unavailable.

    The CNI plugin

    Kubernetes invokes the cilium-cni plugin when it schedules or terminates a pod on the node. The plugin interacts with the node’s Cilium API to trigger the right datapath configurations for the pod’s networking, policy, and load balancing needs.

    Cilium BGP

    Picture source: https://cilium.io

    What is a BGP? BGP is an internet routing protocol that enables the exchange of routing information between autonomous systems (ASes), allowing networks to learn and advertise routes to reach different destinations over public and private networks.

    For more information on BGP, look at RFC 4271 — BGP.

    Enabling BGP

    From the official Cilium BGP control plane documentation, you will see that currently, a single flag in the Cilium agent exists to turn on the BGP Control Plane feature set.

    There are different ways to enable this flag, however we will continue using the cilium cli (Helm requires a different approach, so check the official documentation if you are using Helm).

    Before we change the BGP flag, let’s check the current configuration.

    P.S. You can enable BGP when you install Cilium, but we want to show you the underlying steps.

As you can see, the BGP Control Plane feature is turned off by default. Let’s enable it!

The READY state for our Cilium Agents is 0/1, which means there’s a problem. Let’s read the logs to see why the Cilium Agents are no longer READY.

kubectl logs -n kube-system cilium-gdnd7 | tail -1
Defaulted container "cilium-agent" out of: cilium-agent, config (init), mount-cgroup (init), apply-sysctl-overwrites (init), mount-bpf-fs (init), clean-cilium-state (init), install-cni-binaries (init)
level=error msg=k8sError error="github.com/cilium/cilium/pkg/k8s/resource/resource.go:183: Failed to watch *v2alpha1.CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy: failed to list *v2alpha1.CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy: the server could not find the requested resource (get ciliumbgppeeringpolicies.cilium.io)" subsys=k8s

. failed to watch *v2alpha1.CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy.
Setting enable-bgp-control-plane true causes the Cilium Agents to look for the Cilium BGP Peering Policy, which does not yet exist, mainly because the Cilium Operator did not create the CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy CRD. After all, we were not using that feature at installation time.

Let's check the resource types defined in our cluster with the api-resources command:
kubectl api-resources | grep -i cilium

There you go: no BGP policy. Also, we can notice the cilium agents were redeployed but not the operator, which is still running.

let's redeploy it by deleting it and then check the logs of the operator pod, and you can see something
Creating CRD (CustomResourceDefinition)..." name=CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy/v2alpha1

Details are in the screenshot

Now Recheck the api-resources to see the new CRD:

Cilium BGP Peering Policy

Now that we have a CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy type (CRD), we can create an object of that type to define our Cilium BGP peering policy.

Here is the yaml file which we will use to create it.

cat cilium-bgp-policy.yaml
apiVersion: "cilium.io/v2alpha1"
kind: CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy
 name: 01-bgp-peering-policy
     bgp-policy: a
 - localASN: 64512
   exportPodCIDR: true
    - peerAddress: ''
      peerASN: 64512
       - {key: somekey, operator: NotIn, values: ['never-used-value']}"cilium.io/v2alpha1" kind: CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy metadata: name: 01-bgp-peering-policy spec: nodeSelector: matchLabels: bgp-policy: a virtualRouters: - localASN: 64512 exportPodCIDR: true neighbors: - peerAddress: '' peerASN: 64512 serviceSelector: matchExpressions: - {key: somekey, operator: NotIn, values: ['never-used-value']}

Specification (Spec)

  • spec: This section defines the behavior of the resource.

    • nodeSelector: Specifies which nodes this policy applies to.

      • matchLabels: The policy applies to nodes with the label bgp-policy: a.
    • virtualRouters: Configures one or more virtual routers for BGP.

      • - localASN: 64512: Defines the Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the local node.

      • exportPodCIDR: true: This flag indicates that the pod CIDR should be advertised to BGP peers.

      • neighbors: Defines BGP neighbors.

        • - peerAddress: '': Specifies the address of a BGP neighbor.

        • peerASN: 64512: The ASN of the BGP neighbor.

    • serviceSelector: Specifies which services this policy applies to.

      • matchExpressions: A list of criteria for selecting services.

        • - {key: somekey, operator: NotIn, values: ['never-used-value']}: Selects services that do not have a label with the key somekey and value never-used-value.
    • Documentation can be found here.
      Now that we have an understanding of the policy, let’s apply it to the cluster:

    • Kubernetes nodes label

      We need to label the nodes we want the BGP policy to apply. In our case, we will label the follower nodes, leaving out the control-plane node. Our CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy node selector expects the bgp-policy=a label.

        kubectl  apply -f cilium-bgp-policy.yaml 
        ciliumbgppeeringpolicy.cilium.io/01-bgp-peering-policy created
        kubectl label nodes k3s-follower bgp-policy=a
        ubuntu@k3s:~$ kubectl get nodes -l bgp-policy=a
        NAME         STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
        k3s-follower   Ready    <none>   2d2h   v1.28.5+k3s1

      LB IPAM

      When you create a Load Balancer Service in a Kubernetes cluster, the cluster itself does not assign the Service a Load Balancer I.P. (aka External I.P.); we need a plugin to do that. If you create a Load Balancer Service without a Load Balancer plugin, the External I.P. address will show Pending indefinitely.

      The Cilium LoadBalancer IP Address Management (LB IPAM) feature can be used to provision I.P. addresses for our Load Balancer Services.

      Here is what the official doc says about it:

      LB IPAM is a feature that allows Cilium to assign IP addresses to Services of type LoadBalancer. This functionality is usually left up to a cloud provider, however, when deploying in a private cloud environment, these facilities are not always available.

      This section must understand that LB IPAM is always enabled but dormant. The controller is awoken when the first IP Pool is added to the cluster.

      Let’s create our cilium LoadBalancer IP pool.

      To create a pool, we name it and give a CIDR range. We’ll use as our CIDR range; this range mustn't overlap with other networks in use with your cluster.

        # cat cilium-ippool.yaml
        apiVersion: "cilium.io/v2alpha1"
        kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
          name: "lb-pool"
          - cidr: ""apirsion: "cilium.io/v2alpha1" kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool metadata: name: "lb-pool" spec: cidrs: - cidr: ""
        Kubectl create -f cilium-ippool.yaml
        ciliumloadbalancerippool.cilium.io/lb-pool created

      Cilium service LoadBalancer

      Now, let’s create a pod with a service type LoadBalancer and test it.

      We will make a simple nginx pod and a simple service exposing port 8080, with type LoadBalancer.

      This should cause Cilium to provision an external I.P. for our logical load balancer and then advertise the route through BGP.

        cat pod.yaml service.yaml
        # pod.yaml
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Pod
          name: simple-pod
            app: simple-pod
          - name: my-app-container
            image: nginx:latest
            - containerPort: 80
        # service.yaml
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Service
          name: my-service
            app: simple-pod  # Make sure this matches the label of the Pod
          - protocol: TCP
            port: 8080
            targetPort: 80
          type: LoadBalancer

      Let’s create it:

        # kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
        pod/simple-pod created
        # kubectl apply -f service.yaml
        service/my-service created

      From the output below, we know that we have a running pod with the name simple-pod and a service with the name my-service, but the most crucial part is that we have a service TYPE LoadBalancer with EXTERNAL-IP from our ip-pool, which we created earlier, and we get

      Validate LoadBalancer External I.P.

      This post guides you through setting up Cilium-based Load Balancer Services in a K3s Kubernetes cluster, detailing the network operations involved and providing a foundation for further experimentation.

    • Thank you for reading!


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